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At last month’s NFL owners meetings, Detroit Lions team president Rod Wood noted the franchise is considering changing its uniforms for the 2023 season.
“We’re actually starting a process to look at a possible change for next year,” Wood said. “It’s really like a year-plus lead time, so we just convened a committee. I know we get a lot of things tweeted at us and suggestions about what fans want, so we catalog all those and we’ll take them under advisement.”
The Lions have only worn their current uniforms since the 2017, so they’re not exactly due for a redesign. But fans have voiced their displeasure with various elements, including the Lions wordmark and William Clay Ford memorial patch on the sleeves that clutter and otherwise clean design.
There’s also the matter of the anthracite Color Rush uniform, which has always been worn with a gray helmet due to the NFL’s one-helmet rule. That rule no longer exists, but Detroit has not unveiled or announced any plans to unveil a second helmet that would better match the uniform.
With that said, is holding another contest and asking our readers to redesign the Lions’ uniforms. You can take the franchise back to its humble beginnings as the Portsmouth (Ohio) Spartans or pay homage to the Barry Sanders era.
The choice is up to you, just make sure to follow the rules outlined below:
• At minimum, your submission must include home and road uniforms. Alternates – such as a throwback or Color Rush set – are encouraged but not required.
• You can keep the team’s current logo, pull from the past or create your own. Same goes for the color scheme.
• Seeing as the Lions are in the midst of a 35-year lease at Detroit’s Ford Field, they’re not going anywhere until at least 2037. Don’t move them back to Portsmouth or to a new location.
• Along those same lines, you can only keep the Lions’ nickname or revert them back to the Spartans. The latter might cause some issues, though, given the university that sits about an hour and a half down Interstate 96 (Michigan State).
• Use whatever graphic design program or template you want, but remember that creativity and presentation counts. If you don’t have a go-to template, head on over to the concept resources section of our forums to find one that fits your design.
• Submit your design on Twitter by using the hashtag #DetroitLionsRedesign and tagging @AndrewMLind and/or @SportsLogosNet. You can also email your design to
All designs should be submitted by 11:50 p.m. on Sunday, May 29. Please submit just one design to give others a greater chance of having their work featured in an article on next month.
Photo courtesy of @Lions on Twitter.