Our world in photos: July 28

2022-07-30 03:24:57 By : Ms. Amy Liu

BOROUGH PRESIDENT MAKES THIRD ALLOCATION TO HOSPITAL MATERNITY PROGRAMS: Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso yesterday announced his administration has allocated $15.625 million to NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County to help renovate the facility’s newborn intensive care unit (NICU) and Mother-Baby units.

NEW TRAIN CONDUCTORS GRADUATE: The MTA/New York City Transit graduated 20 new train conductors yesterday, following their successful completion of training at the New York City Transit Learning Center in Brooklyn.

BACH AND BALLET ON BROOKLYN STREETS: Covenant Ballet Theatre of Brooklyn (CBT) students will perform Bach to the Streets alongside professional dancers as part of Vanderbilt Avenue’s Open Street, this Saturday, July 30, at 5 p.m. 

If you would like to sponsor a notice, a photo, or an article about your favorite organization, or even wish a loved one Happy Birthday, send your content to Jennifer Hopewell, [email protected]

If Buddy Scotto had his way, there would be gondolas plying the waters of the Gowanus Canal...

Could humans live through another ice age? Probably. But like the frog in the frying pan, they may have more trouble with the man-made,  incremental warming of oceans and the LOSS of ice in glaciers.

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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and brooklyneagle.com cover Brooklyn 24/7 online and five days a week in print with the motto, “All Brooklyn All the Time.” With a history dating back to 1841, the Eagle is New York City’s only daily devoted exclusively to Brooklyn.


The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and brooklyneagle.com cover Brooklyn 24/7 online and five days a week in print with the motto, “All Brooklyn All the Time.” With a history dating back to 1841, the Eagle is New York City’s only daily devoted exclusively to Brooklyn.

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